The arguments had grown so fierce, she said, that several jurors complained of headaches.
One juror has complained of medical problems.
She said jurors still complained that they spent hours sitting and waiting before they were assigned to a jury or dismissed.
Other jurors had complained that she seemed to be in a "twilight zone" and did not follow what the others were doing.
"In the back of a van - I don't think that's the place for a medical procedure," the juror complained last week after the trial.
Since 1960, apparently, jurors have been straining, and complaining, without result.
"The jurors are still complaining, but they are complaining a lot less."
But in recent trials across the nation, jurors have complained about being bullied and humiliated during deliberations.
One juror complained that she "spends a lot of money on diamonds," and seemed "like she would do almost anything for money."
One grand juror, a lawyer whose firm had asked her to report back about how jurors think, complained bitterly.