The men would relay this around the circle one by one, back to the lieutenant- a silent jungle telegraph.
He wouldn't have given long odds against theNegroes' knowing who Potter was: jungle telegraph, white mencalled it.
Fertig monitored the military and political situation in Mindanao, by means of the "jungle telegraph."
Over the course of what came to be known as Mott Week, one word repeatedly reverberated across the jungle telegraph: emotional.
He could hear his heart pounding wildly like some form of jungle telegraph.
She just heard down the jungle telegraph; it'll be all over the TV in about half an hour.
"The jungle telegraph," Tom remarked curiously.
"If I had, the jungle telegraph would've spread the word by now."
Or maybe it was just the jungle telegraph in action, although I hadn't heard any drums on my way to town.
Well, that's nothing, said the jungle telegraph; Jimmy Dean was smoking dope heavily and seemingly without fear of arrest.