I've seen it happen and it was a very positive, joyful experience.
A cascade bumping actually sounds like a joyful experience.
The Green Area: the natural resources required by the community in order to fulfill its joyful experience of existence.
I had never let her suspect my feelings, which would have put a pall on an otherwise joyful experience.
"For all of us, it has been a really joyful experience," said the mother's partner.
Schwartz found this collaboration, in contrast to the one with Kane, to be a very joyful experience.
Being a new mom is undeniably rewarding and one of the most joyful experiences in life.
The effort has resulted in a truly joyful experience filled with both individual and group discovery.
Animals in story-telling can provide a joyful and humorous experience for the tribe during the winter months.
But she had envisioned her wedding celebration being one long, joyful experience.