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He said the students who join the union "are making more money in two or three years on the job than I am now."
A month later he joined the union at the plant.
The vote was 218 to join the union and 117 against.
Thousands of workers joined the union over the next few years.
An' these here mountain people up an' joined the union.
Like us, they want to create the conditions for their country to join the Union in the future.
He takes a summer job in the mine and joins the union.
Will the remaining workers still want to join the union?
About 5 percent of Washington's 80,000 teachers have declined to join the union.
They are being released in the same order that the states joined the union.
All of them would be eligible to join the union.
Hopefully both countries can join the Union at the start of 2007.
To join the union, these states must also meet the fiscal rules.
In 1982, he joined the union as a full-time staff member.
That is also in the interest of the countries wishing to join the Union.
Yeah, reading it is one of the requirements for joining the union.
Any state joining the union later was also required to be a republic.
Another dozen countries are expected to join the union in the next decade.
"My only advice if any of them ever get here is they better join the union," he added.
He asked the miners to join the union, and thousands of them did so that day.
What concerns me is that the former two still have some way to go, in my opinion, before they can join the Union.
Working conditions at the plant have certainly improved since we joined the union.
Such a member state would eventually join the union when it qualified.
On the basis of the progress made, our report shows that both countries will be ready to join the Union in 2007.
Obviously no country which violates human rights can join the Union.