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Allegations of political jobbery were denied but Everett's actions became a national issue.
Thank God, the days of Tory jobbery are at an end.'
This was at the Kings insistence, he liked him for his industry and administrative capacity and dislike of jobbery.
A superficial observer of this piece of jobbery might well be forgiven for commenting: 'like father, like son'.
Half of 'em descendants of those who had got what they had by robbery or jobbery!
This petty jobbery occasioned discontent, . . . and it would not have cost me more to pay the carriage.
Or they could have sordid affairs, solicit tainted campaign donations and practice highbinding and jobbery of every sort.
'Astonishing revelations of corruption and jobbery.'"
Perceval's energy was chiefly shown in the part he played in the prevailing jobbery connected with Irish landed estate.
He denounces the purification campaign as inhumane, a betrayal of the revolution, a vile piece of political jobbery and gangsterism.
The citation lauded the MBW for showing 'how jobbery may be elevated to the level of the fine arts'.
Party political factors are frequently to the fore; indeed, 'many people.have claimed to perceive a resurgence of eighteenth-century jobbery'(Hood, 1978, p. 40).
Many of his paternal ventures led to little more than waste of money, or the creation of hotbeds of jobbery; yet on the whole the country prospered.
The libel lawyer was certainly needed, for the Lancet then was a campaigning journal, and began a series of attacks on the jobbery in vogue among the medical practitioners of the day.
While acting as one of the chief City magistrates during an absence of Augustus and Tiberius in France he was disgusted by the prevalence of place-hunting and political jobbery.
He is acting in the true Thatcherite tradition of the Conservative Party, because male clubbiness, jobbery, idleness and complacency were the very things Margaret Thatcher fought against all her political career.
You know, and you know that I know just what jobbery was done in the building trades' strike last fall, who put up the money, who did the work, and who profited by it."
Its practical effect was not very great; but it began an attack on what radicals later came to call the 'old corruption', the network of sinecures and jobbery which still played a large role in British political life.
To a large portion of the people who frequent Washington or dwell where, the ultra fashion, the shoddy, the jobbery are as utterly distasteful as they would he in a refined New England City.
The Puritan controversy revived the attacks on Roach alleging favoritism and jobbery, and he was forced to keep the uncompleted vessel in his shipyard at his own expense for the next five years.
The protest parties are united in their opposition to the corruption and jobbery of the old party system, which is failing miserably to cope with worsening public services, rising Mafia crime and Italy's crippling public debt.
Some vile jobbery in the cooperage had provided the Surprise with a ground-tier of casks that drank almost as much as the ship's company, and the new-fangled iron tank had silently leaked its heart out.
Kerr could counter by pointing to his battle against jobbery in the Illinois legislature and stil more to the advantages he had brought to his community in pushing the Burlington railroad into the northwestern counties of the state.
"The use of public funds to compensate Connector Motorways for delays to road changes around the tunnel is ... as cynical a piece of political jobbery as Sydney has seen in many a long year," the newspaper wrote.
What began as a logical extension of growing aristocratic authority became by 1800 a byword for jobbery, corruption and intimidation.6 Until the partial reforms of 1832, Sussex as a whole sent 24 representatives to the House of Commons.