It is jammed full of high-flying high-technology stocks - from Compaq Computer to Intel.
He stepped forward just enough to force Mickey a step backwards, and the tiny office felt jammed as full of flesh as a knackwurst.
Dance Macabre was jammed full of humans and Kindred alike.
In the lounge area, on two tables jammed full with silverware, plates and goblets, they learned to eat soup by moving their spoons away from them.
When the first connection was made the creature went completely rigid and the control display lamps of the computer jammed full on.
In the summer the pub is always jammed full.
Instead, empty bags were folded diligently into the corners of underpacked suitcases, waiting to be jammed full with the familiar objects of home.
Gray metal shelves rose up one wall and were jammed full in a system that defied all logic.
Diego's car was jammed so full it was dragging the pavement, and the last car was loaded down too.
At the foot of the bright amusement pier there was a flaring Tango Parlor, jammed full even at that still early hour.