It was crusted with some kind of black gelatinous substance, like burned barbecue sauce.
The aliens then vomit a gelatinous substance into liquids to help the invasion continue.
Agar, a gelatinous substance derived from red algae, has a number of commercial uses.
At its end was a tiny cone covered with a glistening, gelatinous substance.
I stood up, so as to raise my hand still higher, and the gelatinous substance stretched like a rope, but did not break.
They find a gelatinous substance attached to the wall of the control room.
Growth media are usually forms of agar, a gelatinous substance derived from seaweed.
We took out fifteen pounds of a dirty, gelatinous looking substance.
Others, he said, had sent packages of a gelatinous substance to politicians they did not like.
Gel is a pink gelatinous substance that contains a person's will and life force.