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Actually, we made many isolates (a total of 48) between 1983 and early 1984.
All communication between isolates has to go through the port.
They were then exposed to an isolate of the fungus.
Sometimes relatives are found for a language originally believed to be an isolate.
From these subject statements, it is possible to gather isolates.
Someone else knew he was an isolate, was taking advantage of that.
Her life began and ended in each isolate crystal second of impacted time.
These isolates were differed in some of their external symptoms.
Instead, each isolate has a port: a channel over which messages can be sent and received.
Neither of these isolates is known to be a human or animal pathogen.
Then there is her personality, the primal, magnetic figure of the American isolate.
Isolates find it possible to accept such things and think no more about it.
The Etruscan language has been difficult to analyze, due to its being an isolate.
These 112 isolates allowed them to analyze the bacteria's evolution in each individual.
The susceptibility patterns of all the isolates were similar and are described below.
In one third of the cases the isolates were resistant to at least one drug.
We've gone back to isolates," or samples of the various strains from the field.
The first isolate of the "foamy viral agent" was in 1955.
The majority of the isolates belong to a single clonal complex.
Some isolates can cause death of animals within as little as a week after infection.
Penicillin G is the drug of choice, although there have been some isolates found to show resistance.
Essentially, people fear becoming social isolates and thus take measures to avoid such a consequence.
Soy protein isolate has been used since 1959 in foods for its functional properties.
Isolates were obtained and successfully grown in vitro from 40 patients.
The enumeration of isolates should be exhaustive or complete for the subject area.