But the destination is exciting - nothing less, says Andre Benard, Eurotunnel's French chairman, than "the irreversible transformation of Europe."
Most often, the essential theatrical experience is an intimate moment -an epiphany, an irreversible transformation, a flicker of pain or self-revelation across an actor's face.
These two radical acts made irreversible transformations in female appearance.
The 2003 Iraq war has indeed brought about an irreversible transformation of politics and society in Iraq.
Clausius' identification of S as a significant quantity was motivated by the study of reversible and irreversible thermodynamic transformations.
In many societies, stability (or slow evolution) has been substituted by unstoppable and irreversible transformations.
This heats the dye material such that an irreversible transformation of the dye material creates the pit.
Thus the dynamics of the system alone, treated in isolation, are non-unitary and, as such, are represented by irreversible transformations acting on the system's Hilbert space, .
Dean's daily email news digest, The Dean's List, chronicles the rapid - and irreversible - transformation taking place in the entertainment industry.
Especially distrubing are some forms incorporating human and animal features, implying an irreversible transformation.