Due to repeated bleeding, it may cause significant iron deficiency anemia.
Out of the women in developing countries, forty percent have iron deficiency anemia.
This is the most sensitive test for iron deficiency anemia.
Coffee consumption can lead to, but is not the cause of iron deficiency anemia, especially in mothers and infants.
If all are low, the patient has iron deficiency anemia.
A lack of red blood cells is called iron deficiency anemia.
In particular, a craving for ice can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.
Tests will be done to rule out disorders with similar symptoms, including iron deficiency anemia.
In one case study, pagophagia was reported to cause iron deficiency anemia.
Olajuwon and Maxwell are both out with iron deficiency anemia.
Due to repeated bleeding, it may cause significant iron deficiency anemia.
Out of the women in developing countries, forty percent have iron deficiency anemia.
This is the most sensitive test for iron deficiency anemia.
Coffee consumption can lead to, but is not the cause of iron deficiency anemia, especially in mothers and infants.
If all are low, the patient has iron deficiency anemia.
A lack of red blood cells is called iron deficiency anemia.
In particular, a craving for ice can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.
Tests will be done to rule out disorders with similar symptoms, including iron deficiency anemia.
In one case study, pagophagia was reported to cause iron deficiency anemia.
Olajuwon and Maxwell are both out with iron deficiency anemia.