However, the scenario of a coordinated airborne invasion coupled with a limited nuclear strike was the real threat that this line protected against.
Kesselring immediately moved to secure Rome, where he expected an Allied airborne and seaborne invasion.
Pounded enemy positions to assist the airborne invasion of Holland in September.
It escorted reconnaissance and cargo aircraft participating in the airborne invasion of southern France.
I'd suspect an airborne and sea invasion of Yugoslavia.
The Soviet premier signed the necessary papers for the token airborne invasion of several neutron-bombed cities.
The Luftwaffe also reacted with a massed response against the airborne invasion of Holland.
Fallschirmjäger units made the first airborne invasion when invading Denmark on the 9 April 1940.
With German air superiority a given, an airborne invasion was decided on.
He was chief of staff for the airborne invasion of southern France in 1944.