The discussion invariably turns to the languid tones of Horace.
While the meetings, both online and face-to-face, provided comfort to others who were unable to return home, conversations would invariably turn to conditions in Iraq.
Knesset meetings turned invariably to shouting matches; last week there had been a fist fight.
These days when guests stop by, the conversation invariably turns to the unassuming box in the basement, where a furnace would usually be found.
At this holiday season, thoughts invariably turn to Martha.
Gorwin invariably turned it on shortly before whatever time I was scheduled to arrive.
The pass is oddly barren, and all locals who attempt to travel through it invariably turn back well before reaching the summit.
The passions of a mob will invariably turn against those who have helped to rouse them.
When music is placed on a pedestal, it invariably turns to stone.