Since she invariably leaves during the second interval, it is said that she has not a clue how any of the stories turn out.
After the mail had been read and answered, Treblaw invariably left the secretary alone.
Also, the cuebid invariably leaves one of both suits unspecified.
Being with her invariably left a bad taste in his mouth, yet he kept coming.
People invariably left his company with their perceptions heightened and with a sensation of living more intensely.
At each attempt John invariably left the home having completely ignored what I was saying.
Immediately after his arrival, he invariably left to obtain a morning cup of coffee.
It was just that after an hour or so of pushing my daughter's stroller along the stacks, I invariably left with something peculiar.
There are two other questions that invariably leave you feeling like an emperor with his goose bumps suddenly showing: What is the universe expanding into?
If a miller has a third son, he will invariably leave him only his cat.