Most successful ones invariably carry a train of imitators in their wake, crowding about them and masking them.
Important policy changes will invariably carry revenue and expenditure implications and Congress jealously guards its constitutional rights in such matters.
In 1945 the superficial judgement invariably carried the day.
Speeding in built-up areas invariably carries higher fines than outside city limits.
He invariably carries two semiautomatic handguns, a sniper rifle, and an army knife.
Although the khedive was nominally in charge of his government, each ministry had an English "adviser" whose views invariably carried the day.
They invariably also carried a sword and dirk.
The old lady had kept on her way unsuspiciously, using as a cane a faded blue umbrella, which she carried invariably, whatever the weather.
The female also invariably carries an enormous bag, to hold her office shoes.
It was a copy of Napoleon's Maxims, which Jackson invariably carried with him and read often.