However, the Parliament of Peru would only ratify the treaty after introducing modifications.
A few years later, however, he introduced modifications to the language charter.
During the period when the work was being performed in the 1920s, Foulds introduced various revisions and modifications.
Since 2003, the government has been in the process of introducing modifications that allow for tariff increases.
As a result, we introduce modifications in our future procedure.
Several variants were produced which introduced various improvements and modifications.
This, I think, is a clear example of the way Bible writers filled out the past quite boldly, introducing modifications from their own time.
Although less representative, the Pombaline-era buildings are common, introducing essentially modifications to the level of the facade's composition.
Flight trials were successful, leading to a long production run with six variants, which introduced various modifications.
The association's resurgence took place in 2010, after presentation of a new bill, introducing important modifications to arms regulations, mobilised the principal affected groups.