Now the department must decide whether to accept the recommendations and turn them into enforceable regulations.
Put into service relevant legislation, policies, and regulations.
Translating this sound theory into workable regulations would be no small chore.
They are divided into (individual) regulations, sub-regulations and paragraphs.
But it said the changes are precarious because they have not been translated into new laws, regulations or bureaucratic procedures.
These early moves have already forced some regulators to confront how the new technology fits into existing regulations.
Turning the petition into new regulations could take years, since manufacturers would have ample opportunity to fight them.
Then the real fight began - translating a broad mandate into specific regulations that were almost certain to displease somebody.
If we look into other regulations establishing legal bodies, it can be seen that the deadlines foreseen are usually between three and four years.
Discretion has to be built into laws and regulations.