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Without that, Russian troops could be drawn into not only a civil war but an interstate war.
Due to potential dangers of interstate wars, building defensive strongholds were a must.
Today, conflicts and confrontations inside state borders are more prevalent than interstate wars.
But, with interstate wars, it has gotten easier.
Mr. Holbrooke called it "the largest interstate war in African history."
But preventing interstate war is also humanitarian.
He found that polygyny greatly increased the frequency of civil wars but not interstate wars.
Brazil, in contrast to its Hispanic neighbors, remained a united monarchy and avoided the problem of civil and interstate wars.
The United Nations Charter's focus on interstate war was due partly to political reality: the need to get the Charter signed in the first place.
So the consistent punishment of transgressors is even harder in intrastate wars than in interstate wars.
The idea of interposing soldiers in blue berets and side arms between two sides had some uses in the interstate wars of the cold war era.
The interstate war in which New York, New Jersey and Connecticut try to lure corporate jobs from one another is intensifying.
Conflict and War in the Middle East: From Interstate War to New Security, new expanded ed.
Eckstein, Arthur M. Mediterranean Anarchy, Interstate War, and the Rise of Rome.
After several interstate wars, Shirvan Beylerbeylik was eventually captured by Nadir Shah in 1734 to establish Safavid rule over the province again.
This increase was a result of the increased number of states, the fragility of states formed after 1945, the decline in interstate war, and the Cold War rivalry.
There is no clear division, but a continuum of violence from a minor neighbour assault through murder, clan attacks, terrorist incidents, subversion and sabotage, through to full-blown interstate war.
The original principle of sovereignty was an odious bargain whose chief benefit was reducing the likelihood of interstate war and, by extension, the mass killing (or other harm) of people.
The Great Patriotic War is testimony enough to this, but the Soviet regime was conceived in war: an interstate war turned by pressure of events and conscious strategy into civil war.
Today's Chief Political Directorate stresses in interstate war the need to 'strengthen the indoctrination of Soviet soldiers in a spirit of high vigilance and class hate for the Imperialist aggressors'.
Indeed, the trend holds true for virtually every category of conflict - coups, interstate wars and even genocides and so-called politicides, in which political belief rather than ethnicity is the criterion for killing.
"It's an interstate war between New York-New Jersey and the Midwest," said J. Winston Porter, a former assistant administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency who is now a private consultant.
(Of course, the abolition of the slave trade had been enacted in 1807; and many DPT supporters would deny that the UK was a liberal democracy in 1833 when examining interstate wars.)
The widest interstate war in modern African history, it directly involved nine African nations, as well as about twenty armed groups, and earned the epithet of "Africa's World War" and the "Great War of Africa."
Research shows that the fall of Communism and the increase in the number of capitalist states were accompanied by a decline in total warfare, interstate wars, ethnic wars, revolutionary wars, and the number of refugees and displaced persons.