Internet directory in prominent positions on computer screens with two competing companies who paid for the top spots.
But the software provides a global Internet directory that lists everyone connected at a given moment.
Every three months, he says, the latest results will be entered into GenBank, the Internet directory that tracks the accumulating information.
He had found her through, an Internet directory that reunites old school chums.
Yahoo, the leading Internet directory, soared 11 3/16 , to 164 3/4, a record.
During the late 1990s, both Internet directories and search engines were popular-Yahoo!
In Mexico, for instance, Internet directories of cybercafes ( list 15 in the Mexico City area alone and some 50 nationwide.
Much of this information has been derived from Eucosmodontidae, Microcosmodontidae and Taeniolabidoidea, an Internet directory.
Much of this information has been derived from Mesozoic Mammals: Ptilodontoidea, an Internet directory.
Until this week was a Tripp-baiting site; it is still listed in Internet directories as a forum for examining "the betrayal of friendship."