At the end of January, it began an internal reorganization, creating five highly autonomous organizations responsible for innovation, design and manufacturing operations.
Would not the prospect be likely to inhibit all normal functions, at least until some internal reorganization was accomplished?
"Despite all these internal reorganizations, the agency is as dysfunctional as it's ever been."
The internal reorganization is expected to be announced on Monday.
The road suffered financial difficulties, and went through several internal reorganizations and name changes.
The university's bureaucracy was also streamlined through internal reorganizations and a reduction in the number of vice presidential positions.
This move occurred during a period marked by severe defence budget cuts and internal reorganization.
Many firms have gone through internal reorganizations; many others are pumping huge sums of money into research.
The company is cutting costs by buying from outside contractors and yesterday it announced yet another internal reorganization of its food operations.
Adding to the air of uncertainty is the bank's on-again, off-again internal reorganization.