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This event led to a after more than twenty years of intermittent war.
Eventually it would lead, especially in Sicily, to several centuries of intermittent war.
The construction was then halted because of massive cost overruns and intermittent wars.
From 1790 to 1810 intermittent wars were fought between the Confederacy and its former horse suppliers to the south.
Liberians themselves could try their former president in their own courts, which have all but collapsed after 14 years of intermittent war?
Intermittent wars, with mixed fortunes, continued until c. 395 BC.
A century of decadence and intermittent wars had left the Ottoman sultanate in serious, irreversible decline.
The Entente cordiale was the end of almost a millennium (one thousand years) of intermittent war (they were not fighting all the time).
Intermittent war rages across Ulthuan once more as the Dark Elves consolidate their hold on the northern lands.
With invasion routes open in four directions, the early Armenian kings fought intermittent wars against Persia and the Mediterranean powers.
The accord ended the war that had begun in 1623 and was the last conflict in almost 150 years of intermittent wars between the two states over territorial disputes.
On the Somerset Levels, intermittent war was waged throughout the Middle Ages between successive abbots of Glastonbury and bishops of Wells.
Edward was also embroiled in intermittent wars with the Scots, who were in league with the French and often co-operated by distracting Edward from his empire building.
According to the Book of Mormon, there were many interactions between the Lamanites and the Nephites; intermittent war, trade, and proselytizing transpired with varying degrees of success.
Unlike American soldiers suddenly dropped into Somalia or Afghanistan, the Israelis have been engaged in an intermittent war with the Palestinians for decades, and they have learned to expect the unexpected.
She was one of the largest ships in the English navy throughout more than three decades of intermittent war and was one of the earliest examples of a purpose-built sailing warship.
With the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars in 1793, the British renewed their intermittent war against Holland; amongst the action was an assault on the Dutch colony at Ceylon.
Faced with intermittent wars and an expanded contraband trade, Spain struggled to stabilize its trading system with New Spain and, in the process, ultimately moved away from its reliance on fleets.
When historians evaluate this period in Ireland, supporters of Prime Minister Albert Reynolds hope that he will be praised as the leader who brought peace to this island after 700 years of intermittent war.
He reconciled with his brother only to rebel against him again in a long, intermittent war, which ended with Henry's flight to France, where he entered into the service of John II of France.
On the fortified Île des Faisans ("Pheasant Island") in the river, the Treaty of the Pyrenees was signed in 1659, ending decades of intermittent war between France and Spain.
After nearly four years of intermittent war, Rwanda's Tutsi-dominated rebel front has routed the larger Hutu-controlled Rwandan Army through a combination of perseverance, superior tactics and a big edge in motivation and discipline.
It was a symptom of how vast the Federation had become that most of Starfleet was still on an essentially peaceful footing even though intermittent war had raged along the Cardassian border for over a decade.
In the years between the murder of the eighth earl, and 1455, there followed an intermittent war between the Crown and the Douglases, with King James attempting to dislodge the brothers from their position of power.
The long course of intermittent war, from the days of Robert the Bruce to the Union of the Crowns in 1603, against England with her rapidly rising and comparatively powerful fleet, further made naval defence important for Scotland.