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The aim is interculturalism and solidarity between people of different cultures.
I think that Burning Man is probably what interculturalism should be.
Has multiculturalism failed and what is interculturalism actually about?
Interculturalism requires an inherent openness to be exposed to the culture of the "other".
It also advises the Government on racism and interculturalism.
The first focuses on interaction and communication between different cultures; this approach is also often known as interculturalism.
"When the course began in 1995, interculturalism was still a relatively new idea in this country.
The question of interculturalism may therefore need to be restated and reappraised.
From a more general perspective, artists’ migration processes often give rise to interculturalism and new melange.
Interculturalism has both supporters and opponents amongst people who endorse multiculturalism.
The Federal Government launched a dialogue addressing the core issues of interculturalism.
It stresses what it calls "the value of interculturalism and multilingualism."
Policies labelled as integration, assimilation, multiculturalism or interculturalism are implemented.
Her research interests are interculturalism, migration and minorities.
In July 2002, the Department launched a national consultation on antiracism and interculturalism.
By interculturalism, we mean that the co-existence of different cultures entails dialogue, not confrontation.
The defence of cultural pluralism goes hand in hand with cultural exchange, or "interculturalism".
It was my privilege to be there, and to present a paper on inter-religious dialogue and interculturalism.
How then can the European heritage classes, through interdisciplinarity and interculturalism, contribute successfully to the fight against failure at school?
Gerald Delanty views interculturalism as capable of incorporating multiculturalism within it.
"Interculturalism" is understood as an approach to cultural diversity going beyond equal opportunities and respect for existing cultural differences.
However, Quebec policies speak of civic "interculturalism" rather than multiculturalism, which is associated with ghettoization.
For us, interculturalism is an essential hallmark.
Euba's scholarly interests include the musicology and ethnomusicology of modern interculturalism.
The ministers also discussed the proliferation of cultural observatories in the world and the concept of interculturalism.