To do something tangible in return for the intangible reward they spent their lives awaiting.
All this for the most intangible rewards.
But the intangible rewards outweigh the cost.
A reward, tangible or intangible, is presented after the occurrence of an action (i.e. behavior) with the intention of causing the behavior to occur again.
There are intangible rewards as well, he said.
Right-brain stimulus revolves around intangible rewards, like the good feeling of knowing you accomplished the task or helped someone.
Now over half of all Americans are considered overweight or obese because we can't stop pursuing these intangible rewards.
Thus highlighting the "fantastic social possibilities of Second Life", as the intangible reward of social belongingness is of paramount importance.
The Kelleys said that collecting had also brought intangible rewards.
Important forms of intangible rewards include praise, recognition and rewards.