She will not have the leverage of larger distributors, who can insure timely payment by threatening to withhold other films they have in the pipeline.
The entry fee, Murphy said, is $25,000, and each franchise must post a $100,000 bond to insure payment of bills, including salaries for each 10-man team.
This person then assigns to others the task of finding the place to stay, and of tracking and insuring payment of expenses.
The Government will also guarantee Daewoo bonds, insuring payment on 50 to 95 percent of the group's nonguaranteed bonds.
He also generally recommends that the shareholder giving the party leave a deposit with the co-op to insure payment of those expenses.
The new protocol calls for steps to insure simultaneous payment to Russia for both enrichment and the natural uranium.
A lien is placed on the home to insure payment upon sale and interest is charged on the unpaid amount.
But last week regulatory officials tried to restrict this and insure earlier payment of shares.
The group announced its support of pending legislation that would bring the third-party administrators into the orbit of state regulators and insure prompt payment.
The letter implores the President to press Congress to insure full and prompt payment of the $212 million American share of the organization's budget this year.