The inspection fee will nearly double, increasing to $35 from $19 to help pay for the new testing equipment.
Fuel, Oil, spare parts, regular equipment and aircraft stores retained on board are also exempt custom duty, inspection fees or similar charges.
As of 2009, a tap-in fee to the sanitary sewer system cost $1,200.00 with an inspection fee of $50.00.
In the end, the two sides compromised: The inspection fee, normally $300 to 400, was returned.
"We are businessmen," said Mr. Cronacher, who has also paid for corrective work in addition to returning the inspection fee.
In recent years, he paid out as much as $100,000 a year in inspection fees and supervisors' salaries.
Also there was a conflict of interest in that the inspection fees paid to the ABS were paid by the ship owners.
The new program would also have increased the inspection fee paid by consumers to $35 from $19 on Jan. 2.
You mustn't forget to send off the notice to commence work, along with the inspection fee and the subsequent inspection notices, at the correct stages.
Mrs Klaß raised the question of the system of inspection fees and why they cannot be regulated at a more central level.