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The other inspecting authorities have yet to visit us this year.
The document must be available to the inspecting authorities at the company's headquarters.41 ▪ iii.
Inspecting Authorities name and telephone numbers closest to you and general costs of inspections if available.
International Inspecting Authorities available at the loading port (including ownership)
Pay for and arrange all inspections, tests and quality control verifications as required by inspecting authorities.
After every site visit the inspecting authorities should store in data files the inspection data and their findings concerning compliance with legal requirements.
Informs logistics and training authorities of the requirements raised by the new systems and equipment; sets test limits for the inspecting authority.
Inspecting Authority: The Authority responsible for inspection, accreditation or certification.
A ban on marketing and mixing would appear to be the appropriate measure and relieves the inspecting authorities from making a decision on the ground.
The supervising and inspecting authorities above the county level may exercise supervision over and carry out inspection of acts of unfair competition.
When exercising supervision over and carrying out inspection acts of unfair competition, members of the supervising and inspecting authorities shall produce warrants of inspection.
Also, it states that "Where necessary, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure that the Inspecting Authority is acceptable to the Regulatory Authority."
The panel found out that the urban cooperative banks were manipulating their activities and that in absence of any inspecting authority many brokerage firms were using funds provided by these banks to manipulate the market.
In a brainstorm session with several experts from regional water boards, the department of public works and the inspecting authorities, the following questions have been formulated from the point of view of the water management bodies:
When the supervising and inspecting authorities are exercising supervision over and carrying out inspection of acts of unfair competition, the operators under investigation, interested parties and witnesses shall truthfully provide them with relevant data or information.
If inspection of the sampling kit is required by Customs and Excise or other authority, acknowledgement of the sealing process by the inspecting authority will assist the maintenance of this chain of custody.
The committee found out that the major reason for the heavy casualty is the false tactics of the management to bring the other two school students to the aided primary school to mislead the inspecting authorities about the student-teacher ratio.
After media reports in 2008 about brine contaminated with radioactive caesium-137, plutonium and strontium, politicians accused the operator, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health, of not having informed the inspecting authorities.
Where the designated operators take advantage of the arrangement to foist inferior but high-priced goods on buyers or make exorbitant charges, the supervising and inspecting authorities shall confiscate the illegal income and may, according to circumstances, impose fines of more than once and less than three times the illegal income.
Where an advertisement operator acts as an agent for, or designs, produces or releases advertisements containing false representations of which he is obviously aware or should be aware, the relevant supervising and inspecting authority shall order him to desist from the illegal act, confiscate his illegal income, and impose a fine on him according to law.
You can report any concerns about restaurant food to your local inspection authority.
California, however, has just disbanded its program and given inspection authority to Federal officials to save money.
For direct earth burial (with protection as required by the inspection authority).
However, you are financially responsible for the cost of services rendered by a third party inspection authority.
All regulatory requirements and inspection authorities will still be applicable.
Inspection authority agreement is required to use these values.
In 2014, central inspection authorities found that some 159 local officials had taken various forms of bribes.
The biggest issue is punishing the leaders at the food supervision and inspection authorities.
Take responsibility yourself for the accreditation of national inspection authorities and Parliament will give you its support.
It is quite exceptional that only one inspection authority handles all the inspections.
Click on the links below to find the restaurant inspection authority nearest you.
The responsible inspection authority should endeavour to share product information received from industry with other investigating Parties, as appropriate.
If more than one inspection authority is responsible, is there any co-ordination between them?
You may use your own resources or designate a third party inspection authority when a requirement for verification is selected.
Or. es Justification Control and inspection authorities should also be included.
Usually inspection authorities require pad-mount transformers to be located away from the main building.
The inspection authorities may intervene when the custodians refuse to take the responsibility of custody.
Norway's Labour Inspection Authority has asked police to open an investigation into the case.
Customs offices, migration and various inspection authorities, for example, are encouraged to work closely with border police organisations.
Of course, ElBaradei wants to buttress inspection authority and capabilities.
We also reinforced the national inspection authorities for veterinary and human health, which also proved to be highly necessary.
It therefore asks for information on checks carried out by the inspection authority and on any findings that these revealed.
• providing modern inspection authorities and undertaking new strategies to oversee the safety of imported products.
Any questions in this respect should be directed primarily to the local Electrical Inspection Authority.
Frequent measurements of state-approved inspection authorities show results and values close to drinking water quality in the canals.
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