That is, for any input function, the output function can be calculated in terms of the input and the impulse response.
Here the input function is the path followed by the physical system without regard to its parameterization by time.
An experimental setting corresponds to specific characteristics of driving input functions and initial concentrations.
Also, one can compute the output just by multiplying the impulse response by the input function.
The sum of the points in the input function using these weights results in the difference of the most recent data points.
The state variable represents the angle in radians, and the input function, , is typically periodic.
The last 2 lines specify the experimental input functions.
Of course, if the input function has no relation to a gamma distribution, one would expect this method to breakdown.
The parameter "ninput" is the number of input functions.
The time dependence of the absorption is also quite close to the actual input function (eq.