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Is it possible to find out the number of injection wells in a particular state?
This forces the use of more environmentally sound injection wells.
Another use of injection wells is in natural gas and petroleum production.
Ground water monitoring requirements depend on the type of injection well.
The Regulations page has more information on how injection wells are classified.
Injection wells are not being used to extract sulfur at this time.
By mid 2010, a water injection well was added.
Copper is mined using injection wells only in a few states.
It has 7 production and 2 water injection wells.
The group simulated the effects of 12 injection wells in a ring around the city.
Also to consider in oil recovery is the position and orientation of the injection wells around the production well.
Water from the injection well is also used to sweep or push the oil towards the producing wells.
In a typical configuration, a single injection well is surrounded by multiple production wells.
This page describes Class I injection wells and their uses.
What does it mean when an injection well "endangers" underground sources of drinking water?
Are injection wells used only to dispose of waste?
Water injection wells can be found both on- and offshore, to increase oil recovery from an existing reservoir.
No, injection wells are used to emplace a variety of fluids underground.
EPA's regulations group injection wells into six groups or "classes."
Who regulates injection wells in my state or tribe?
The central reservoir is supported by two water injection wells and a gas injector.
Injection wells are widely considered to be the best method for disposal of treated waste water.
The final effluent may be used in either infiltration ponds or injection wells.
In 1992 there were 1,100 active production wells, along with 57 injection wells.
Do operators of injection wells have to monitor the ground water near their wells?