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The initial mass of the star depends on the local conditions within the cloud.
"In another, there's just an area of thickness but the initial mass has gone.
The projected initial mass is 166 M, stretching current theories of star formation.
This amounts to roughly half the spacecraft's initial mass.
For example, the initial mass of a star is the primary factor determining its colour, luminosity, and lifetime.
"But it seems one could collect atoms out of a stellar wind using something with high surface area and small initial mass.
A star whose initial mass is less than approximately 0.25 solar masses will not become a giant star at all.
These stars had initial masses calculated to be in the range of 37 to 76 solar masses.
Where is the initial mass with fuel, the final mass without it, and V is as above.
The composition of the white dwarf produced will differ depending on the initial mass of the star.
Stars with an initial mass above about 25 M quickly move away from the main sequence and increase somewhat in luminosity to become blue supergiants.
Reseune's records computers had run for three weeks just compiling the initial mass of data on Ari.
The age of Class M supergiants with an initial mass of 20 is roughly 10 million years.
The progenitor may have been a highly luminous yellow supergiant with an initial mass of 18-24 solar masses.
A primordial black hole with an initial mass of a thousand million tons would have a lifetime roughly equal to the age of the universe.
With a star of very low initial mass, nothing more happens; the star glows feebly, and then simply cools off until it has become dead.
Using engines which were considered to be available in a reasonable timespan, 95% of the vehicle's initial mass would have to be propellant.
Mass ratio is, for any 'burn', the ratio between the rocket's initial mass and the mass after.
Based upon isotope ratios of magnesium, the initial mass of this star has been constrained to lie between 3-5 solar masses.
There are, however, several hypotheses for the formation mechanisms and initial masses of the progenitors, or "seeds", of supermassive black holes.
Hurley et al. estimate its current mass to be 1400 solar masses and its initial mass to be approximately 10 times as great.
Like other stars that are close to the Eddington limit, R136a1 has been shedding a large fraction of its initial mass through a continuous stellar wind.
In other words, the propellant mass fraction is the ratio between the propellant mass and the initial mass of the vehicle.
The initial Masses in the parish were celebrated in a tavern at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Broadway.
The total energy emitted depends on the initial mass, with much of the core being converted to Ni and ejected which then powers the supernova for many months.