Because of the inhospitable nature of their country, few travelers entered their land during the first four millennia of the present era.
Still, they both convey vividly the atmosphere of combined extreme belligerent action and inhospitable nature, pushing protagonists to the edge of endurance and beyond.
His wild and inhospitable nature makes an exception of the area of the Costa Brava.
The British Government has always argued that Scotland's needs are greater because of its remoteness, its foul weather and the inhospitable nature of its land.
In addition the Brigg's plan also recognised the inhospitable nature of the Malayan jungle.
Unfortunately, the planet's inhospitable nature could not be peeled aside for Spock, McCoy and the King's daughter.
The giant tortoise has also proliferated, despite the inhospitable nature of the landscape.
"Free land" remained a potent slogan even after countless families had lost out to an inhospitable nature or to unforgiving banks.
Due to the inhospitable nature of these areas due to blanket bogs and thin rock, they were sparsely populated.
The city clearly missed out on a huge amount of tourism dollars as the partygoers felt unwelcomed by the inhospitable nature of the poilce and other city officials.