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A penalty is a punishment for infractions of the rules.
Do you think he would overlook any infraction of the rules?"
No one but Toms saw the possible infraction of the rules during the opening round.
A settlement was reached, and the letter will be removed from his file after two months if there are no other infractions of the rules.
"There obviously have been some infractions of the rules.
Therefore, for some games, there is a "proper" way of handling infractions of the rules.
An infraction of the rules other than a foul, such as traveling or a three-second violation.
It can be for major or minor infractions of the rules, or disorderly behaviour.
The others, especially the girls, noticed her minor infraction of the rules of propriety but said nothing.
Palmer also said, "If you see an infraction of the rules, you should point it out immediately.
He had worked at Likhachev until they had laid him off for some minor infraction of the rules.
Just took it entirely away from Clan Randolph, for some little infraction of the rules."
My dear Alfred, you have punished youself far more than such an infraction of the rules warrants.
All I could conclude was that some stool had lied an infraction of the rules on me in order to curry favour with the guards.
In basketball, a foul is an infraction of the rules concerning illegal personal contact with an opponent and/or unsportsmanlike behavior.
Infractions of the rules of bidding, melding and play are known as reneges.
Joanna a serious infraction of the rules, but he could have used knew nothing irritated her more than illicit use of files.
Penalties - For infractions of the rules, a team is penalized by bonuses being rewarded to the opposing team.
As the same game is played repeatedly among a group of players, precedents build up about how a particular infraction of the rules should be handled.
A major penalty is a stronger degree of penalty for a more severe infraction of the rules than a minor.
Infractions of the rules can lead to a stoppage of play or a penalty call for more serious infractions.
Infractions of the rules are invariably countered with the reminder "Crime does not pay," reiterated through the film like a cheery mantra.
If the person ignores these warnings, the light will turn red, and failing that, the infraction of the rules will be recorded on the restaurant's computer.
His abandoning of his loyal partner in a time of danger was also a serious infraction of the rules.
"Again, it would be a serious infraction of the rules, but he could have used one of the HIS departmental codes.