Her story was brilliantly told here, in a drama which made understated, sensitive use of the most inflammatory material imaginable.
People with RA usually have joint fluid that's filled with inflammatory material.
Aitken, the local printer for whom Thomas Paine did menial shop work, had deemed his employee's material too inflammatory to print.
I knew that next Marcus would either warn me to be careful or ask me to stop putting inflammatory material on the Website.
He had his son Luis personally delivered the inflammatory material to the Academy.
He said the transcripts contained inflammatory material that could hurt Mr. Keating's chances of a fair trial.
The offence of possessing racially inflammatory material is new.
I think anybody who reads what you have written or hears what you have spoken knows that your are not giving inflammatory material.
Like a stickered exclamation mark, the title warns of the inflammatory material within its letter-box size covers.
Wheezing suggests partial obstruction of the airways by mucus, pus, or other inflammatory material.