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She informed me inferentially that there was room for improvement.
So the book is pretty much established as an important psychic tool, at least inferentially.
The issue has been raised kind of inferentially previously.
Thus my belief that striking the match will light it is justified inferentially.
"And it is our view that they need to be said directly, not inferentially, not conditioned."
The unknown South player is, inferentially, a hero, and he deserves an inferential medal.
Inferentially, the suicide was a direct result of the media furor & "loss of face" she had experienced.
South ruffed, and guessed that the spade ace was on his right because West, inferentially, had shown six of the 10 points in the heart suit.
"But I'm not going to affix my name to a bill that even symbolically seems to say, even inferentially, that government is sanctioning smoking."
Fragmentation Corollary: A person may successively employ a variety of construction subsystems which are inferentially incompatible with each other.
The conviction of truth in the one case was like that of an axiom; in the other, such only as is drawn inferentially from mere sense.
Her texts are short, blunt and accusatory; they are sometimes cliches, egregiously sarcastic, inferentially linked to the photographs.
And, as we shall see, it gives us a method--crude but powerful--to measure inferentially the rate of situation flow.
"Jerid" means in Arabic a "palm frond" and inferentially "a palm grove."
Inferentially, it is A.L.C. that is trading off his good name, rather than he off theirs.
I respond counterphobically to my fear of dogs, an anxiety I don't understand and of which I am only inferentially aware.
But neither does it appear inferentially open like "creative" or "poetic" metaphor viewed pragmatically (Black 1979; Sperber and Wilson 1986).
You quite rightly assail the Rev. Lawrence Lucas and inferentially criticize C. Vernon Mason, while also chiding my comments.
We know from their records, and inferentially also, that the Egyptians studied the properties of herbs and minerals for magic purposes--white magic as well as black.
Also by age 16, teens can learn to process more complex problems, to develop and test theories, to understand analogies, to reason inductively and deductively, and to think inferentially.
Commander Jeffrey Sinclair first learns about Delenn's title (and, inferentially, membership of the council) in the second episode of season 1, Soul Hunter.
Amongst them, there are those who hold that moral knowledge is gained inferentially on the basis of some sort of non-moral epistemic process, as opposed to ethical intuitionism.
The regress argument is an argument that as well as the inferentially justified beliefs, there must be some beliefs which are justified non-inferentially.
However, in the state of California, the two elements of a homicide-the death of the victim and the existence of "criminal agency"-may be proved circumstantially or inferentially.