All heartworms are thought to be infected with Wolbachia to some degree.
About 1% of people, such as health care workers, become infected through accidental exposure to infected blood.
This stuff has infected the program right down to the binary level, Doctor!
Or are pets being infected from exposure to people?
Tonight's theme is the way tabloid techniques have infected mainstream press and television, with particular attention to two cases.
It's rare to discover someone who hasn't been infected, to greater or lesser degree, by that neurosis.
The change could add thousands of people infected with the virus to the ranks of those defined as having the disease.
The electronics crackled-as if the tension of the scientists had infected the computer and taken the machine itself to the edge.
No human being is known to have been infected by smallpox for close to a quarter of a century.
The four people who were infected on the flight to Honolulu had positive skin tests.