In 1995 we were lucky to have the Croats to spare us from the hard military work and the inevitable casualties to our troops.
Furthermore, the inevitable civilian casualties caused by the air assault are solidifying Taliban support within Afghanistan and eroding support elsewhere for the American cause.
Noncombatants are always among the inevitable casualties in any war.
And since perhaps the most disliked mediators out there are car dealers, they would seem to be natural and inevitable casualties of consumers' migration to the Internet.
There were inevitable casualties on such steep and slippery ground.
Right now, he wanted to go to the infirmary and prepare for the inevitable casualties.
The treacherous traverse was the cause of much confusion among his nervous troopers with their frenzied horses, causing inevitable casualties.
The second part, which killed 11 people and injured dozens, has escaped intense scrutiny, as if it were an inevitable casualty of the blowout.
Sadly, this demanding service has involved inevitable casualties.
Carmichael further described Mathews as one who had "accepted the decline of fine taste and cultivation as an inevitable casualty in society's advance."