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"He pioneered a lot of the work industrial psychologists now do."
After retiring from coaching, he became an industrial psychologist and a well known public speaker.
Studying a coaching staff would be rich material for an industrial psychologist.
Personality has not been shown by industrial psychologists to be a very helpful predictor of performance.
Her father is an industrial psychologist and a marketing research consultant in Jericho.
His father, an industrial psychologist, had moved the family to Massachusetts to study to become a Methodist minister.
But many industrial psychologists say that, from the standpoint of productivity and morale, they are invaluable.
He hired an industrial psychologist to teach Corning's senior managers to again be team players.
Wheatley left his job as an industrial psychologist to start an acting career.
His father is an industrial psychologist in Columbia, Md.
He was also a pivotal figure in developing links between American industrial psychologists and their counterparts in other countries.
His father retired as an industrial psychologist and a vice president for human resources at Xerox in Rochester.
Industrial psychologists have made good use of this link between music and learning by creating catchy jingles to sell products.
"Ah, a question from our industrial psychologist.
After years of development with an industrial psychologist, the Primary Color Assessment was released online in 2009, free to the public.
Industrial psychologists had concocted the color scheme.
His mother, an industrial psychologist, is the president of Professional Career Solutions in Boston.
He's recent]y got an appointment as a sort of advisory industrial psychologist to one of the big groups.
In one scene, an industrial psychologist lists Eddie's professional shortcomings - "You're not a team player.
Dr. Libresco, an industrial psychologist, specializes in rescuing financially troubled companies.
In the same group was Marcus Archer, another ex-communist and an industrial psychologist from the Witwatersrand.
He continued to be interested in cartooning, and developed the Frank and Ernest strip while working as an industrial psychologist.
Cecil Alec Mace (1894 - 1971) was a British philosopher and industrial psychologist.
But the advances over the last 15 years have also energized a debate among designers and industrial psychologists about how machines should relate to their human operators.
At Columbia, she also met her future husband, John Porter Foley Jr., an industrial psychologist.