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There was a major extension to the perimeter in 1967 to create an industrial compound.
Books that promote peaceful solutions to failed states (like building schools instead of military industrial compounds).
Around them in a vast industrial compound their buildings are looted bare.
Saltivka has almost no industrial compounds, but there are many shops and markets for residents.
They grope for a human connection on "an industrial compound in a distant land," the play's designated place.
Other women who followed their husbands into cities or mining areas lived in inadequate, and often illegal, housing near industrial compounds.
Workers often spend six hours a day and a third of their pay to ride buses to and from the industrial compounds around Johannesburg.
Aldehydes are important industrial compounds.
In many railway stations and industrial compounds, steam shunters had to be kept hot during lots of lazy breaks between scattered short tasks.
Dioxin, which comes in several chemical forms, is an unwanted byproduct of the manufacture of some agricultural and industrial compounds.
The human body has evolved families of enzymes for metabolizing chemicals - the natural carcinogens in food as well as drugs and industrial compounds.
The only long-term profitable ore to be mined, however, was borax, a mineral used to make soap and an important industrial compound (chemistry).
The presence of 8 industrial estates & 2 industrial compounds contribute largely to the high employment rate of the municipality.
Those other microbes would be used as pesticides and fertilizers on farms, or as industrial compounds to do such things as break down oil spills.
Drugs, both prescribed and illicit, pesticides, natural products, pollutants and industrial compounds are some of the most common nonvolatile compounds encountered.
For field trials of organisms that contain pharmaceutical or industrial compounds, inspections are carried out more frequently (five times during establishment and twice yearly after that).
Alserkal Avenue is an industrial compound hosting warehouses in the industrial zone of Al Quoz, in Dubai.
Abundance of Fish The toxic substances are PCB's, polychlorinated biphenyls, an industrial compound linked to cancer, which contaminate the riverbed.
Synthetic xenoestrogens include widely used industrial compounds, such as PCBs, BPA and phthalates, which have estrogenic effects on a living organism.
Occupational acne is caused by several different groups of industrial compounds, including coal tar derivatives, insoluble cutting oils, and chlorinated hydrocarbons (chlornaphthalenes, chlordiphenyls, and chlordiphenyloxides).
A $781,527 grant will help restore the mosaic panel structure of 58-year-old Edison Tower, in the Menlo Park industrial compound where Thomas Edison invented the phonograph.
"I've also heard it referred to as a Shaker village, but to me it's more of an industrial compound, a think tank where things are being built even if you're not sure what they are.
At war, Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) and Toxic Industrial Compounds (TICs) attacks are some of the most malicious threats for any field troops.
But farmed carnivorous species such as salmon are fattened up with large amounts of wild-caught fish, which may contain the carcinogens PCBs (industrial compounds that pose neurological risks) and dioxin.
And Thordur Fridjonsson, the director of Iceland's National Economic Institute, points out that energy is the primary ingredient in aluminum and industrial compounds called ferro-silicates, both of which are exported.