In Batesian mimicry, wing colour patterns help edible Lepidopterans mimic inedible models while in Müllerian mimicry inedible butterflies resemble each other to reduce the numbers of individuals sampled by predators.
The significance of the difference between the two proportions can be assessed with a variety of statistical tests including Pearson's chi-squared test, the G-test, Fisher's exact test, and Barnard's test, provided the entries in the table represent individuals randomly sampled from the population about which we want to draw a conclusion.
One can plot the number of species as a function of either the number of individuals sampled or the number of samples taken.
One cannot simply divide the number of species found by the number of individuals sampled in order to correct for different sample sizes.
Geographically based human studies since have shown that such genetic clusters can be derived from analyzing of a large number of loci which can assort individuals sampled into groups analogous to traditional continental racial groups.
Octopoteuthis deletron squid are the most common prey item, found in the stomachs of 58% of individuals sampled off the coast of California.
If the number of individuals sampled ( "n" ) is large this estimate of the variance is in agreement with those derived earlier.
The smooth 50th percentile male and female growth curves illustrated above are aggregate values from thousands of individuals sampled at ages from birth to age 20.
On the other hand, 26% of the individuals sampled in the Arsi control portion of Moran et al. (2004) were found to belong to Haplogroup J.