They can only enter measurable dimension when individuals establish points from which to measure.
Each individual can only establish one private enterprise.
These individuals establish feeding sites on the new host and produce a new generation of cochineals.
Families, individuals, business, and nonprofit groups can establish from a wide-variety of charitable funds within the Foundation.
A few individuals or families came up the lake from Canada and established themselves at Chimney Point in 1730.
These individuals, who are mostly Hindu, established the colony after the partition of India in 1947.
The next month, it was reported that some individuals established themselves as the "New Management" of Yukos.
Why don't private individuals establish the missing market through a system of bribes or compensation?
The four individuals establish a partnership to hold the properties that were held by the company but that aren't included in the sale.
At this point, individuals establish some general notions about their subject using the essential aspects that were impressed upon them.