It may be simply that individuals are avoiding nuisance mosquito contact.
They allow individuals to avoid peak shopping hours and having to queue in their free time.
Some individuals avoid genetic testing out of fear it will affect their ability to purchase insurance or find a job.
Dependent individuals avoid situations that require them to accept responsibility for themselves; they look to others to take the lead and provide continuous support.
Some individuals are unusually sensitive to skin contact with the hairs and must avoid them in cleaning cages or similar activities.
Some physicians recommend that individuals with dysgraphia use computers to avoid the problems of handwriting.
In some cases, individuals can avoid going into the hospital entirely.
Some individuals would also avoid situations or people who may offer relevant information.
Some individuals can simply avoid the subject of their fear and suffer relatively mild anxiety over that fear.
The individual can, for instance, avoid the tax by choosing not to consume the taxed commodity.