Other researchers have also shown an indirect relationship between cooperation and role taking capacity.
Here, Flavin's works are exhibited in "rooms without windows or bearing an indirect relationship to its outside surroundings."
You as the driven have only an indirect relationship to the fuel tank, via the gauge on, in your case, gauges.
Accordingly, we can say that the academic community stands in a direct relationship to research but in an indirect relationship to higher education.
But by the end of the week he was forced into an indirect relationship.
An indirect relationship often provides relatively little protection from the perception that the agency is inappropriately working with a private organization.
An indirect, third-party relationship exist between the designer and the contractor due to these two contracts.
Comparison questions have an indirect relationship to the event or circumstance, and they are designed to encourage the subject to lie.
So far, these allegations seem to bear only an indirect relationship to the larger Whitewater mess.
Among social scientists, however, there is a broad consensus that there is at least an indirect relationship between popular culture and behavior.