Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
All this was without use of utility or even indifference curves.
In the figure, two indifference curves for a particular good X and wealth are given.
Three examples of such indifference curves are illustrated by and in Figure 6.4.
Figure 2 shows the risk-return indifference curve for the investors.
Indifference curves can be used to derive the individual demand curve.
Numbers used to index indifference curves have no cardinal significance.
Hence the manager would try to be on the highest level of indifference curve possible given the constraints.
There are infinitely many indifference curves: one passes through each combination.
Thus indifference curves are drawn without reference to current endowments.
This ensures that the slopes of the indifference curves and the production set are the same.
The indifference curve is drawn to predict the animal's behavior at various levels of risk and food availability.
Depending on the indifference curves, the amount of a good bought can either increase, decrease, or stay the same when income increases.
Indifference curves are a measure of preference and utility.
For a competitive equilibrium, this line must be tangent to the individual's indifference curve.
An example of a utility function that is associated with indifference curves like these would be .
Through each basket of commodities passes one indifference curve.
Higher the indifference curve, higher is the level of utility derived by the manager.
As with indifference curves, two isoquants can never cross.
Economists' modern solution to the problem of mapping consumer choices is indifference curve analysis.
This is why the indifference curves are positively sloped.
The relevant indifference curve may be considered to be that of a 'representative voter'.
A utilitarian social indifference curve is linear and downward sloping to the right.
The consumers' relative preferences are shown by the indifference curves inside the Edgeworth box.
Transitive with respect to points on distinct indifference curves.
If two goods are perfect complements then the indifference curves will be L-shaped.