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This is an inclusive school with a number of key strengths.
It is an inclusive school with a strong community ethos.
To focus on the methods students could use to change their perceptions of others and to create a more inclusive school environment.
It offers support under the umbrella of special education in an inclusive school environment.
Provide an inclusive school environment, which emphasises individual's rights and responsibilities.
It is an inclusive school where all students with special needs are integrated into regular classes.
Leadership for successful inclusive schools: a study of principal behaviours.
In inclusive schools, educators seek to understand and support the diverse learning needs of all students.
Our inclusive school culture continues with very positive results for our students.
Inclusive schools are those which welcome, accommodate and celebrate all children no matter what their individual differences.
Our culturally inclusive school values the contribution of all represented groups in its community.
As an inclusive school community, we promote responsibility, respect, team work, and academic excellence.
By organizing this project, the student council helped set the stage for a respectful, inclusive school.
Key questions related to building collaborative and inclusive schools.
Some principals have focused their efforts on creating more inclusive schools for students with disabilities.
Chances are that inclusive schools can counter such developments in a fundamental way.
Inclusive schools honour and celebrate the diversity that exists in the school community.
Inclusive schools support the diverse needs of all learners.
This is a truly multi-cultural, inclusive school of which I take great pride.
A must-read for anyone interested in safe, caring and inclusive schools.
Inclusive schools movement and the radicalism of special education.
Conduct a school district-wide arts project on the theme of inclusive schools.
Experts recommend that it is important to continually adapt inclusive school programs.
Principals have the responsibility to develop an inclusive school culture where all students and personnel are valued.
Inclusive schools promote collaborative consultation with parents and all educational partners.