Spain's housing boom is fueled by other factors, including rising incomes, mass immigration, and demographic trends.
Mr. Herbert's column will appear twice weekly, exploring issues including politics, urban affairs and social trends.
"Certainly, things occur that weren't anticipated," he said, including economic trends, terrorism and changes in technology or competitive pressures.
The job loss during this continual volume growth is the result of multiple factors including increased productivity, trade, and secular economic trends.
The three podcasts cover different musical grounds influenced by many factors including backgrounds, education, cultures, exposure, trends and many more.
Analysis of a 2001 national survey of priests, including trends from previous surveys in 1970 and 1993.
A profile of priest compensation including retirement, tax issues and trends.
Clearly, the purpose of including a non-fundholding group was to control for variables, including secular trends.
It considers its purview the entire field of business, including the people, trends, companies, and ideas that characterize modern business.
Consumption patterns are influenced by many factors, including social trends, prosperity and industrialisation.