The 3,000-square-foot house had to be flexible enough to accommodate three generations of Cuff family members, including spouses, children and grandchildren.
That means that the community will be losing 7,000 to 14,000 military people, not including spouses or children.
The number of biologically unrelated donors, including spouses, has steadily increased since the first such donations in the mid-1980's.
Scholarship American has registered more than 3,400 beneficiaries, including spouses.
They may assist the families of the injured, including spouses and children.
This ban would apply to all couples, including spouses!
Informants were gleaned from cell staff members, including drivers, smugglers, and even spouses.
The kissing ban would apply to all couples, including spouses.
This get-together netted almost 700, including spouses and close friends.
Citizens can easily bring in immediate relatives, including spouses and unmarried children under 21.