He takes advantage of the many activities offered through his centers including theater, language, exercise clubs and screenings of old movies.
There are free events going on this weekend in conjunction with the carving, including screenings, performances and lectures.
The film had several "sneak previews" before its commercial release, including screenings in New York and Detroit.
Now, the cinema shows current films every weekend and hosts a number of special events including screenings of old films projected in their original format.
Hunt toured the film, including free screenings for high school students.
A three-month retrospective, including screenings, seminars, workshops and an interactive gallery exhibition; through Sept. 12.
"Composing for Film," including discussions with composers and concerts and screenings of films notable for their scores, through tomorrow.
The festival features events including the opening and closing night celebrations, special screenings, seminars, question and answer sessions, and awards ceremonies.
A one-time review of your health, and education and counseling about preventive services, including certain screenings, shots, and referrals for other care if needed.
The Senate bill would broaden that approach to cover all low-income assistance, even aid not usually considered welfare, including gang-prevention programs and screenings for lead poisoning.