Furthermore, some studies have even reported some psychiatric side effects as well including memory loss, confusion, and depression.
Several themes were touched in the song, including moral confusion and European society.
He is sent into a tumult of emotions including confusion, anger, embarrassment, and grief.
Although very unlikely, if you suddenly stop taking this drug, a serious reaction may occur including fever, muscle stiffness, and confusion.
More subtle problems can occur as well, including postoperative depression, memory loss, confusion and other mental deficits.
Some symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, including confusion and lack of energy, can be worsened by poor nutrition.
In this Congress still prevailed erroneous positions, including confusion between the stages of the revolution.
They may have experienced a wide range of feelings during these events, including anger, guilt, confusion, sadness and depression.
Brain cancer has a wide variety of symptoms including seizures, sleepiness, confusion, and behavioral changes.
In Japan, smiling may express a range of emotions, including happiness, anger, confusion, or even sadness.