It employs 1,620 staff members, including administrators, teachers, counselors, and support staff.
Today, the hospital employs 6,000 professionals including doctors, nurses, technicians, paramedics and administrators.
We license 32 professions, including teachers, principals and administrators.
About 70 people, including coaches, trainers and administrators, will make the trip.
This platform is browser-based for all users, including administrators, merchants, and consumers.
His travelling court was large, including administrators and likely architects and builders.
In the 2010-2011 school year, Lutheran South had 540 students served by over 50 professional staff, including teachers, counselors and administrators.
A group of 40 people including, students, faculty, community partners, staff and administrators established a focus question that the five year plan would answer.
The model is designed to keep everyone, including teachers, parents, students, and administrators accountable for the respect of others.
Around 450 jobs are expected to be lost including nurses, doctors, administrators and managers.