The original Zuwaya list had included men from other groups.
The meeting was controversial because it did not include representatives from groups calling for single-payer health care.
This includes material from the emergency services, charities, and environmental groups.
The intake also includes pupils from different ethnic groups, particularly Afro-Caribbean.
Plurals are also more likely than older generations to have social circles that include people from different ethnic groups, races and religions.
The 25 members of the commission include representatives from the car, oil, chemical and other industries as well as from environmental groups.
Within the movement, which includes everything from small groups in small towns to a large alliance of more than 200 organizations, radical elements still exist.
Those masters started to teach within the overseas Chinese communities but eventually they expanded their teachings to include people from other ethnic groups.
Ms. Becktell said she would like to see the institute expand to include students from other cultural groups.
Demonstrators included representatives from various civil groups and opposition parties, among them the Socialists.