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Incineration with energy recovery, which accounts for so much German waste disposal, is not counted as recycling.
Recovery includes recycling and incineration with energy recovery.
The overwhelming body of informed opinion in this country says that incineration with energy recovery is the better practical environmental option when compared with landfill.
Concerns over incineration Incineration with energy recovery offers little or no incentive for householders to reduce the amount of waste they produce.
The Incineration of Waste Incineration with energy recovery is considered to be a sustainable disposal route.
• the lack of a clear definition of recovery of waste, in particular with respect to incineration with energy recovery.
If developed countries want to reduce the waste that goes to landfill, rather than simply make green gestures, incineration with energy recovery is the best way to do it.
The centre recycles 97% of waste from retailers and customers, with the remaining three percent going to incineration with energy recovery; no waste goes to landfill.
Incineration with energy recovery is one of several waste-to-energy (WtE) technologies such as gasification, pyrolysis and anaerobic digestion.
The event, which is sponsored by UK Waste, will also host a public debate on incineration with energy recovery at Liverpool Town Hall.
Countries disagree on whether incineration with energy recovery should count towards recycling targets (as in France and Sweden) or not (as in Germany).
Energy recovery Pollution control Off-site recycling Disposal Incineration with energy recovery Other (please specify):
We might well support anaerobic digestion at the site selected in West Wiltshire or in Area of search for Salisbury but not incineration with energy recovery.
In 2002 the EU-15 average rate of packaging recovery and incineration with energy recovery at waste incineration plants was 62%, and the average recycling rate was 54%.
Recycling can reduce pressures for landfill: the priority is to use paper for recycling, then surplus or unsuitable paper should go to incineration with energy recovery and, as a last resort, landfill.
The results show that Directive 94/62/EC has succeeded in pushing the rates for recycling and for recovery and incineration with energy recovery at waste incineration plants above the targets set for 2001.
Incineration with energy recovery - Thermal treatment of wastes and recovery and use of the resulting energy to offset the need for additional energy (for example, incinerating waste and using the resulting heat to heat building air and/or water).
The Canada-USA Agreement was therefore amended in 1992 to include municipal solid waste exported to and imported from the United States for final disposal or for incineration with energy recovery, and residues arising from the incineration of such waste.
Amendment by Dan Jørgensen Amendment 516 Article 26, paragraph 3, point (h a) (new) ha) information about the possible application of the principles of proximity and self-sufficiency in relation to waste destined for incineration with energy recovery pursuant to Article 10 a.
The hierarchy as between policy objectives shall be as follows: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Prevention Reuse Recycling Incineration with energy recovery Disposal / incineration" Or. en Justification Clear hierarchy should be shown between waste management policies.
In these judgments, the Court of Justice concluded that waste incineration with energy recovery does not constitute recovery if that is not the main purpose of the operation, with the result that some Member States could unexpectedly find themselves in contravention of the Directive, either now or in the future.
"Other waste" means Municipal Solid Waste that is sent for final disposal or for incineration with energy recovery, and residues arising from the incineration of such waste, as defined by the Parties' respective national legislation and implementing regulations, but excluding waste covered under paragraph (b) of this Article".