The incident undermined public confidence in the vessel.
Nevertheless, some analysts said the incident would undermine confidence in Japan's already shaky banking system, which is reeling from hundreds of billions of dollars in bad loans.
Iraqi officials have denied that the transfer took place, and the incident has undermined British relations with the Iraqi authorities in Basra.
That incident also undermined the reputation of the schools chancellor, Rudy Crew, who later lost his job.
The incident also undermined Palestinian attempts to restore order, although the Palestinians did clamp down on street fighting for the first time in 10 days.
Though accidental, these incidents undermine support abroad for United States foreign policy.
Several diplomatic incidents undermined the agreement.
(Such incidents) clearly undermine public confidence and the Afghan people's cooperation with foreign troops.
These incidents undermine the already fragile ceasefire and threaten to destroy it completely.
Mrs. Lowey said the incident "undermines his whole message: he tells voters we need an accountant in Congress, but he's not accountable."